General Comments on Extraction Procedure
The consistent data extraction in the delta procedure is possible for line items from General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) and selected subledgers (Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) and Accounts Payable (FI-AP)) and tax reporting with effect from SAP BW 3.1 Content. The extraction procedure delivered with the business content for SAP BW 2.0B, which is based on the DataSources 0FI_AR_3 and 0FI_AP_3, can be replaced. This is described in note 410797.
The decisive advantage of choosing R/3 line item tables as the data source is that additional fields can be transferred to the BW. These are not available for the transaction figures. This provides more extensive and flexible analysis options in BW.
To enter a consistent delta dataset, you can use any of the following InfoSources (with the corresponding DataSources and extractors in SAP R/3):
Application InfoSource Name
FI-GL 0FI_GL_4 General ledger: Line Items
FI-AP 0FI_AP_4 Accounts payable: Line Items
FI-AR 0FI_AR_4 Accounts receivable: Line Items
FI-TX 0FI_TAX_4 General ledger: Data for taxes on sales and
For the General Ledger, selection is made from the tables BKPF and BSEG, while selection for the subledgers is made from tables BSID/BSAD (Accounts Receivable) and BSIK/BSAK (Accounts Payable). InfoSource 0FI_GL_4 transfers only those fields that are relevant for General Ledger Accounting from the Financial Accounting document (tables BKPF and BSEG) to the BW system.
The consistent recording of data from General Ledger Accounting and Subledger Accounting is provided by means of coupled delta extraction in the time stamp procedure. General ledger accounting is the main process in delta mode and provides subsidiary ledger extraction with time stamp information (time intervals of previously selected general ledger line items). This time stamp information can also be used for a loading history: this shows which line items have previously been extracted from the SAP R/3 system.
Delta Method
Delta extraction enables you to load into BW only that data that has been added or has changed since the last extraction event. Data that has already been loaded and has not changed is not extracted and does not need to be deleted before a new load. This improves performance compared with periodic extraction of the entire dataset.
Financial Accounting line items are read by extractors directly from the tables in SAP R/3. A time stamp on the line items serves to identify the status of the delta data. Time stamp intervals that have already been read are stored in a time stamp table. The delta dataset is transferred to BW directly, without records being transferred to the delta queue in SAP R/3 (extractor delta method).
The Financial Accounting line items are extracted from SAP R/3 in their most recent status (after-image delta method). This delta procedure is not suitable for filling InfoCubes in BW directly. Therefore, firstly, the line items must be loaded in the BW system in an ODS object that identifies the changes made to individual characteristics and key figures within a delta data record. Other data destinations (InfoCubes, ODS objects) can be provided with data from this ODS object.
If the ODS object permits BEx Reporting, queries can be defined directly there.
Time Stamp Method
With Financial Accounting line items that have been posted in SAP R/3 since the last data request, the extractors identify the following delta dataset using the time stamp in the document header (BKPF-CPUDT).
When a delta dataset has been selected successfully, SAP R/3 logs two time stamps that delimit a selection interval for a DataSource in table BWOM2_TIMEST:
Field Name Key Description
MANDT X Client
UPDMODE Data update mode (full, delta, delta init)
TS_LOW Lower limit of the time selection (time stamp
in seconds since 1.1.1990)
TS_HIGH Upper limit of the time selection (time stamp
in seconds since 1.1.1990)
LAST_TS Flag: 'X' = Last time stamp interval of the
delta extraction
TZONE Time zone
DAYST Daylight saving time active?
The time stamps are determined from the system date and time and converted to the format seconds since 1.1.1990, taking into account the time zone and daylight saving time. To ensure correct and unique reconversion to date and time, the time zone and daylight saving time must be stored in table BWOM2_TIMEST.
Table BWOM2_TIMEST therefore serves to document the loading history of Financial Accounting line items. It also provides defined restart points following incorrect data requests.
To provide a better overview, the time stamps in the example table are entered in the date format. The columns TZONE and DAYST were omitted:
0FI_GL_4 16.05.2004/20:15 Init 01.01.1990 15.05.2004
24.05.2004/16:59 Delta 16.05.2004 23.05.2004
02.06.2004/21:45 Delta 24.06.2004 01.06.2004
15.06.2004/12:34 Delta 02.06.2004 14.06.2004
21.06.2004/18:12 Delta 15.06.2004 20.06.2004 X
0FI_AP_4 18.05.2004/21:23 Init 01.01.1990 15.05.2004
30.05.2004/12:48 Delta 16.05.2004 23.05.2004
10.06.2004/13:19 Delta 24.06.2004 01.06.2004 X
0FI_AR_4 17.05.2004/18:45 Init 01.01.1990 15.05.2004
04.06.2004/13:32 Delta 16.05.2004 01.06.2004
16.06.2004/15:41 Delta 02.06.2004 14.06.2004 X
0FI_TX_4 17.05.2004/18:45 Init 01.01.1990 15.05.2004
04.06.2004/13:32 Delta 16.05.2004 01.06.2004
16.06.2004/15:41 Delta 02.06.2004 14.06.2004 X
Per day, no more than one delta dataset can be transferred for InforSource 0FI_GL_4. The extracted data therefore has the status of the previous day. For further data requests on the same day, the InfoSource does not provide any data. However, you can change this standard delivery. For more information, see note 485958.
In delta mode, data requests with InfoSource 0FI_AR_4 and InfoSource 0FI_AP_4 do not provide any data if no new extraction has taken place with InfoSource 0FI_GL_4 since the last data transfer. This ensures that the data in BW for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Accounting is exactly as up to date as the data for General Ledger Accounting.
Recording Changed Line Items
In the case of Financial Accounting line items that have been changed since the last data request in SAP R/3, there is no reliable time stamp that can document the time of the last change. For this reason, all line items that are changed in a way relevant for BW must be logged in the system. Changed line items, together with the document key and the time of the last change are recorded in table BWFI_AEDAT:
Field Name Key Description
MANDT X Client
BUKRS X Company code
BELNR X Accounting document number
GJAHR X Fiscal year
AEDAT Date of last document change
AETIM Time of last document change
600 1000 1900000010 2001 21.02.2001 10:23:17
600 1000 1000000016 2001 21.02.2001 10:28:34
Using the log table and the time stamp procedure described above, the extractors can find a delta dataset from changed Financial Accounting line items. The changed line items are recorded in the following transactions:
- Manual changing of Financial Accounting line items
- Clearing line items
- Changing dunning data for a line item
To be able to record changed line items, various update programs in SAP R/3 need to be changed. Therefore, the following support packages must be implemented:
Release Support Package
Release Support Package
4.0B 64
4.5B 42
4.6B 30
4.6C 22
If these support packages are not implemented in your system, see note 401646.
Recording of the changed line items must be started a reasonable amount of time (see notes 401646 and 663539) before the first data request in update mode initialization of the data method. For this purpose, add the following entry in table TPS31 using transaction SM30 (view maintenance):
Process Lnd Applic. Function module
If you delete the last initialization selection in the source system for the InfoSources 0FI_*_4 in the BW system Administrator Workbench, the entry from table TPS31 is also removed. This stops recording of changed line items in table BWFI_AEDAT. Existing data in table BWFI_AEDAT is also deleted. Before a new data request can be made in the update mode initialization of the delta method, the entry must be added again to table TPS31.
Linking InfoSources
As of Plug-In 2002.2, it is no longer necessary to have DataSources linked. This means that you can now load 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4, and 0FI_TX_4 in any order. You also have the option of using DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately without 0FI_GL_4. The DataSources can then be used independently of one another (see note 551044).
As soon as DataSource 0FI_GL_4 is loaded, it is the leading DataSource with regard to the time limits – such as maximum time (CPU date) – up to which data extraction is allowed. Therefore, when the transition is made from having data requirements in Delta Init mode to having them in pure Delta operation, the data requirement in delta mode of leading DataSource (OFI_GL_4) must be processed first.
Linking of DataSources in the delta helps to ensure consistent extraction of FI data with regard to time limits. Consistency with regard to the data extracted has to be ensured via the init selection criteria (see below).
Partioned Initial Data Requests
As of Plug-In 2002.2 SAP BW 3.1 Content, selections by company code and fiscal year/period are possible for DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4. Partioned data requests are therefore possible in Delta Init mode. Selections for data requests in Delta Init mode are then managed separately for each DataSource.
If you want extraction to be consistent, you have to choose the same Init selection criteria (company code and fiscal year/period) for all DataSources.
Customer Enhancements of the Extraction Structure
You can enhance the extraction structures for DataSources 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_AR_4, and OFI_TX_4 in the SAP R/3 system by creating user-defined include structures or using transaction RSA6. The following customer includes are supported:
Application DataSource R/3 Table Include Structure
General Ledger 0FI_GL_4 BSEG/BKPF CI_BSIS
Accounts Receivable 0FI_AR_4 BSIK / BSAK CI_BSIK
Accounts Payable 0FI_AP_4 BSID / BSAD CI_BSID
- If all fields in the customer include structure are contained in the above-mentioned R/3 table, no further ABAP programming is required. In this case, the fields in the customer include structure are automatically supplied with data by the DataSource extractor.
- If there are fields in the customer include structure that are not contained in the above-mentioned R/3 able, these fields cant be filled using a function module created by the user. For more information see note 410799. Alternatively you can use the BW standard exits for extractor enhancements. Programs from the SAP standard are not modified by this customer interface.
Global Settings
For the transferal of line items from Financial Accounting, important global settings can be made in SAP R/3 in table BWOM_SETTINGS. To do this, change the table using transaction SE16 (table maintenance):
<space> BWFILOWLIM YYYYMMDD 19910101
<space> BWFISAFETY <Days> 1
<space> ORGSYSONLY <space> or X <space>
<space> DELTIMEST <Days> 60
<space> BWFIOVERLA <space> or X <space>
<space> BWFITIMBOR <Time> 020000
Here, you can set the lower time limit of the time stamp selection for data requests in update mode initialization of the delta method. Together with the selection criteria, this parameter is a decisive factor for the data volume with data requests in this update mode.
Here, you can set the upper time limit of the time stamp selection for data requests in all update modes. If the parameter has a value 1, the upper time limit of the time stamp selection is the previous day. Where the parameter values are larger than 1, the upper time limit of the time stamp selection is the corresponding number of days in the past.
Note that you cannot select a parameter value smaller than 1, since this would mean that the delta dataset would not be determined completely.
If your SAP R/3 system is part of an ALE scenario, set this parameter to X. This ensures that only those line items that were originally posted to the BW system will be transferred there from the SAP R/3 system. This prevents line items being transferred several times to BW from various SAP R/3 systems.
With this parameter, you can set the retention period of entries that are no longer required in time stamp table BWOM2_TIMEST. The default setting for deletion of entries that are no longer required in the time stamp table is 60 days.The minimum retention period for entries in the time stamp table is 15 days. When entries are deleted from table BWOM2_TIMEST, the corresponding entries for the changed line items are deleted simultaneously from log table BWFI_AEDA2.
The logic of this parameter prevents records with the previous day as their CPU date from still being in the update at the time of extraction.
- If X is set for this parameter, selection is made up to the previous
day if the time limit is not reached.
- If <space> is set for this parameter, selection is made up to the
- If <space> is set for this parameter, selection is made up to the
day before the previous day if the time limit is not reached.
This parameter designates 02.00 (2 A.M.) as the time limit for extraction. If this limit is not reached, the system uses a security interval of one day to determine the To-value of the selection. If extraction is started before 02:00 therefore, the selection takes place only up to the day before the extraction run.
SAP recommends that you do not change the standard value.
SAP recommends that you do not change the standard value.
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