Tuesday, 27 March 2012

BEx Web Application Designer


The BEx Web Application Designer is a desktop application for creating Web applications with BW-specific contents. Using the BEx Web Application Designer, you can create an HTML page that contains contents such as various tables, charts or maps. This HTML page (Web application) provides the basis for not only Web applications with complex interaction, but also for Web cockpits and iViews.


In addition to the menu bar and application toolbar, the BEx Web Application Designer consists of three main screen areas:

For a detailed guide to creating Web applications, see Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer

If you are creating a Web application for the first time, we recommend using the Web Application Wizard

For more information on creating Web applications, see From Web Templates to Web Applications.

Because it is an MDI application, you can adjust the appearance of the Web Application Designer to your requirements.  The object on which you are working, namely the Web template, is handled differently from the tools and help windows with which you are working.
  •  Using the menu option View, you can hide and show screen areas such as the Web Items window or the Properties window, as well as tools or the status bar.
  •  You can move the toolbar and the Web Items and Properties  windows anywhere. Depending on where you move the object to, it is anchored or it appears freely as a toolbox.
  • You can open and manage different windows in parallel with Web templates. There you can use the Window menu option to arrange the windows differently: cascading (overlapping), vertical or horizontal.

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