A Replacement for RSPCM - Process Chain monitorig from ST13. (/SSA/BWT program).
Starting this blog, let us first look at the benefits of monitoring the
process chains from ST13 (or /SSA/BWT program) compared to RSPCM
Process Chain Monitoring from RSPCM | Process Chain Monitoring from /SSA/BWT |
Need to add every Process chain MANUALLY to be monitored in RSPCM | Whenever a Process chain is created it is automatically included on the chain's first run. |
Only the LATEST INSTANCE of the process chain will be displayed even if it had run multiple times in a day. | All the instances will be displayed in the given time interval. |
Details like whether the Process chain is a Main chain or a Sub chain, End Date/Time, Number of sub-chains, Number of steps in each chain, Number of Failed/In-Progress steps, Total number of errors in the chain will NOT be displayed. | All these details can be viewed here. |
The Refresh time will be VERY SLOW if the number of process chains included in RSPCM increases. | The time taken for Refresh is very much faster compared to RSPCM. |
Added/Transferred number records will NOT be displayed in the detail view | The number of Added/Transferred records will be displayed against each LOADING/DTP_LOAD step in the first detail view. |
The Runtime CANNOT be compared for each step in the process chain. | The Runtime for each step in the process chain can be compared. |
In many systems, ST13 authorization will not be given. But don’t worry, follow the below steps.
1) In SE38 (or SA38) transaction, enter the Program “/SSA/BWT” and execute (F8)
2) Select “Process Chain Analysis” Radio button and execute (F8)
3) Select “Process Chains” button
4) Enter “*” in Chain ID field (or leave it blank). Enter Start Date and End Date.
5) The
“Process chain Run time Analysis” screen will be displayed. The Log
REFRESH is much faster compared to RSPCM. A one stop shop for all the
monitoring activities.
The “STATUS” shows the overall status of the process chain.
The “STEPS” shows the status of the process steps (Sub-chains, data load step, activation step, Rollup, etc.).
For example, a Process chain has failed in a data load step and then it was repeated and the issue got fixed. The process chain got completed successfully. Then the “STEPS” would be in RED as the data load had failed and the “STATUS” will be in GREEN showing that the overall chain got completed successfully.
By this we can easily track all the chains that got failed and we can know if a chain needs to be corrected or not.
If both “STATUS” and “STEPS” are in RED then the Process chain needs to be corrected.
If “STATUS” is in “YELLOW” and “STEPS” is in RED then still there are chances that there might be some failure in the Process chain and that needs to be looked into.
6) Click the individual process chain under “CHAIN” column. It will take you to the below screen.
7) Now
it will show at which step the chain had failed. Click the chain again.
It will take you to the Process chain Log, from where the failure can
be corrected.
Also, we can get additional information like,
• Start Date / Time
• End Date / Time
• Run time (in Seconds & Minutes)
• Whether the Process chain is a Main Chain or Sub chain
• Number of Sub-chains within the Main chain
• Number of Process steps within each chain
• Number of “Failed” steps (Red)
• Number of “In-progress” steps (Yellow)
• Total Number of errors in each chain
• Start Date / Time
• End Date / Time
• Run time (in Seconds & Minutes)
• Whether the Process chain is a Main Chain or Sub chain
• Number of Sub-chains within the Main chain
• Number of Process steps within each chain
• Number of “Failed” steps (Red)
• Number of “In-progress” steps (Yellow)
• Total Number of errors in each chain
Additional Parameters:
can even compare the Runtime of each process types in a process chain.
To do this, select a process chain and click on "Compare Runtimes"
The Runtime for each step in the process chain will be displayed as shown below.
Hope this helps BW Consultants to monitor the chains in an efficient manner.
Dear All, In that 7.3 : ==> you can have ""Critical Path on/off" If you click on it, it highlights some of the processes but not all. What does this function do? Is there any functionality or benefits to using this? can we use it for CPM Critical Path(Longest duration) in the whole chains? Guru + 91 9176654532