Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Enhancement Category for Table Missing - COPA


I’m trying to enhance the CO data source 1_CO_PA750W001 with WW620,ww621 and ww622 fields from table CE1W001.

Append the fields to the append structure, while trying to activate I’m getting the below warnings and I was not able to see the newly added fields in the extract structure.

Enhancement Category for table Missing Warning :-

"Enhancement Category for table Missing"
"Enhancement Category for include or subtype Missing"

Solution :-
To overcome this error, in edit mode do the below settings:

From Menu bar -> Extras -> Enhancement Category -> here select the type of category which suits your need. In my case, i want to enhance the data source, i had selected the option“can be enhanced(Deep)”.


For more info, about the above options:

Enhancement Category Selection

Structures and tables that were defined by SAP in the ABAP Dictionary can be enhanced subsequently by customers using Customizing includes or append structures. The enhancements do not only refer to structures/ tables themselves, but also to dependent structures that adopt the enhancement as an include or referenced structure. Append structures that only take effect at the end of the original structure can also cause shifts - in the case of dependent structures - even within these structures.

You must select an enhancement category for the following reason: In programs where there is no active Unicode check, enhancements to tables and structures can cause syntax and runtime errors during type checks and particularly in combination with deep structures.

In programs where there is an active Unicode check, statements, operand checks, and accesses with an offset and length are problematic - for example, if numeric or deep components are inserted into a purely character-type structure and the structure thus loses its character- type nature.

Depending on the structure definition, the radio buttons allowed in the dialog box are ready for input. Choose one of the possible enhancement categories:
  • Cannot be enhanced
The structure must not be enhanced.
  • Can be enhanced or character type
All structure components and their enhancements must be character-type (C, N, D, or T). The original structure and all enhancements through Customizing includes or through append structures are subject to this limitation.
  • Can be enhanced or character-type or numeric
The structure and its enhancement must not contain any deep data types (tables, references, strings).
  • Can be enhanced in any way
The structure and its enhancement may contain components whose data type can be of any type.
  • Not classified
This category can be chosen, for example, for a transition status; however, it must not be chosen for creating structures.
The rules for defining the enhancement category result implicitly from the structure setup and the classification of the types used. These rules are as follows:
  • If the object contains at least one numeric type or a substructure or component (field has a structure/table/view as its type) that can be enhanced numerically, the object can no longer be enhanced character-type, but is itself, at most, enhanceable character-type or numeric.
  • If the object contains a deep component (string, reference, or table type), or it contains a substructure or component that is marked as enhanceable in any way, then the object itself is enhanceable in any way.
  • If the object does not contain any substructure or component that is marked as enhanceable, you can select cannot be enhanced. If the structure has not yet been enhanced, you can choose the category cannot be enhanced in any case.
If you are creating new tables and structures in the ABAP Dictionary, the system proposes the category can be enhanced in any way as standard value for the classification of the enhancement options. If the developer chooses a more restrictive classification than can be enhanced in any way for a particular structure, then only the classification levels that adhere to the rules above are allowed. It is not possible to choose an enhancement option of a structure that is more restrictive than the classification resulting immplicitly from the structure setup and from the classification of the types used. Therefore, only the allowed categories are proposed for selection in the maintenance user interface.

If a structure depends on one or several other structures, the smallest category is chosen as implicit classification (in the order cannot be enhanced < can be enhanced and character-type < can be enhanced and character-type or numeric < can be enhanced in any way). This classification is greater than or less than the category in the other structures and also greater than or the same as the category that results from the actual setup in the original structure itself.

For more information, refer to the online documentation (push button "i").

Matt Johnson - What's next for SCN in 2012

Greetings SCN members!  We've received many questions on what the next steps are for the SCN platform in the coming months, so I wanted to take some time to outline the high-level roadmap and give you a taste of what's to come this year.

First off, I acknowledge, as Mark Yolton does with Dennis Howlett in Dennis's Video Blog and Oliver Kohl explains in his blog, that we're still experiencing some challenges related to launching the new site –challenges with migration, indexing, a few remaining performance tweaks, etc.  I'm extremely confident that our teams will resolve these issues in the coming days and you will be able to focus on exploring and collaborating with one another here on SCN. 

While launching the new site was a massive undertaking, we've effectively only taken the first steps —that being laying the foundation, enhancing the social functionality, improving the tools to contribute, and harmonizing the systems.  It's this foundational step that will allow us to add further features and functionality that we know the community wants and that we're looking forward to providing in the future.

So… What about mobile?  What about search?  What about functionality?  Allow me to briefly lay out what we have on the roadmap with a quick word of caution: This is the high-level view and is subject to change of course if budgets, capacities, or acts of God change the priorities at SAP.

Coming in Q2, early Q3:

Mobile SCN:

We are all voracious mobile app users and fully appreciate the need to have SCN available for smartphones and tablets.  Due to security and resource bandwidth, we prioritized getting the migration and new full site launched before branching into mobility.  This is our first priority beyond resolving the current platform challenges and here's what is planned.
  • We'll roll out an initial mobile app for Smartphones in the next 2 months.  This will offer basic use cases to satisfy immediate needs (taking part in discussions, following and messaging, and commenting on content).
  • The same will be available for iPads as well, while we investigate mobile format for tablets to make better use of the real estate.
  • There's also some indications that a couple of SAP Mentors are working on hobby projects, to make mobile much more interesting….Unfortunately I have to leave it at that for now, stay tuned

Social Sign-On:

We are planning to add the ability to login to SCN through other well known social platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.  This will come with other enhancements to the profile and registration process to make it easier for new members to get started and for existing members to keep their info current.

Next generation Idea Place:

We're working with an industry leading Ideation vendor to up the ante on how Idea Place encourages, facilitates, and rewards your innovative ideas.
  • We'll be releasing the new solution in parallel to the existing Idea Place for some very strategic challenges where you will have the ability to make a quick, direct impact to SAP's ecosystem.
  • The new solution will offer staging/leveling to ensure the best ideas rise to the top and you will be subsequently rewarded through robust game mechanics as well.
  • The rest of Idea Place will transition to the new solution toward the end of the year.

Additional functionality:


We already have a big stack of requirements we couldn't squeeze into SCN before our launch.  We're combining that list with what we've learned by listening to you in the Pilot and days since go live.  Highlights from the list of over 200 items that we'll begin implementing in May and continue to process until we've completed it:
  • Improving Search usability
  • Moderation features
  • Points fixes and tweaks
  • (drum roll...) Navigation changes
Bugs will continue to be a priority as well and we working to have all, what we've termed "critical" bugs, resolved by the end of April.  I encourage you to bookmark Oliver's Release Notes to stay current.

Coming in Q3 and Q4:

Gamification --We'll be putting the reputation into turbo mode and offer full fledged gamification across the site

Video —We have a new, robust video application and management system in the works internally to SAP.  We are aiming to bring that to the community as well in Q4 to make sharing and managing videos possible on site, rather than relying on external providers.

So that's the high level picture.  I empathize with many of you who want this functionality now —believe me, I've tried snapping my fingers and clicking my heels.  We're working hard to stretch our budget as far as possible and to deliver the most bang for the buck.

If you have other ideas about what would make SCN better, please use our session in Idea Place!  It's going to be a great year in the evolution of SCN and I'm honored to be sharing the excitement with you. 

Tips to remember SAP Tables used for Development

An easy way to remember all the main SAP tables used for any development.

Remember Bank tables start with B, say "BKNF , BKPF".
Remember Customer tables start with K , say "KNA1,KONV".

Remember Material tables start with M, say "MARA , MAKT , MARC".

Remember Master data tables start with T, say "T001, T001W".

Remember Purchasing tables start with E, say "EKKO, EKPO"

Remember Sales table start with V, say "VBAK,VBAP".

Remember Vendor tables start with L, say "LFA1".

Six important FI tables:

They contain an I if it is an open item.
They contain an A if it is a closed item.

They contain an S if a GL account say "BSIS , BSAS".

To remember the table names of  Billing, Delivery, Sales and Purchasing:

Each table had a K if it is a header data, say "VBAK, VBAP, LIKP, VBRK, EKKO".

Each table had a P if it is an item data, say "VBAP, LIPS , VBRP , EKPO".

With a D at the end , the table is a Customer

With a K at the end, the table is a Vendor.

Finally TSTC tables danced for keeping the list of all transaction codes

For Reference : http://scn.sap.com/community/abap/blog/2012/03/23/fishing-with-sap-tables--a-poem-dedicated-to-all-the-sap-tables-we-use-daily


Infocube deletion failure ---- Still used in Data Transfer Process DTP_4

Scenario: I was trying to delete the IC from development system.

I got the below error message: "Infoprovider XXXX is being used externally".

Deletion of Objects with Type InfoCube
Using InfoCube ZXX_XXX:
Still used in Data Transfer Process DTP_4PHRRX18QMDE1N61OJDJRMVX9 (Used by)
Still used in Data Transfer Process DTP_4PHRRX18QMDE1N61OJDJRMVX9 (Used by)
InfoCube ZXX_XXX cannot be deleted because of references
Deletion of 000000 TLOGO objects


1) Delete the data from the IC.
2) Search for the DTP, you will not find the DTP in the system, because i had   
    already deleted the DTP manually.
3) Search for the DTP using the Find(globally) Button.
4) Select it and delete the DTP.
5) Next IC got deleted without any issue. 

Steps to reset the revised version to Active version


While installing BI content unexpectedly the existing BI content info object got installed and the status of the info object was displaying as revised.Now i dont want to over write the changes with BI content and i want to rest the status back to active version.


- RSA1 (Search for IO) or RSD1 --> click on Change Mode
- Menu --> Characteristics
- Select " Return to active version"

It will pop up a message to undo the changes --> Reset IO to active version --> click Yes.

Steps to restore an active version of a transformation


I had made some changes to the transformations and saved the transformations with out activating them.Now i don't the changes and i want to restore the active version of the Transformations.


- Open the transformations in edit/change mode
- From menu bar --> "Edit"
- Select --> "Return to active Version"

Transport Error

Error 1:

 Start of the after-import method RS_ODSO_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s)  
 ODSO (Activation Mode)
 InfoObject 0PART_PRCTR deleted from key part of DataStore object ZFIGL_04
 InfoObject 0PCOMPANY deleted from key part of DataStore object ZFIGL_04
 InfoObject ZZLOC deleted from key part of DataStore object ZFIGL_04
 InfoObject 0AC_DOC_TYP deleted from DataStore object ZFIGL_04
 Inconsistencies found while checking DataStore object ZFIGL_04

Error 2: 

   Start of the after-import method RS_CUBE_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s)   CUBE (Activation Mode)
   Error/warning in dict. activator, detailed log    > Detail
   Structure change at field level (convert table /BIC/DZFIGL_C075)
   Table /BIC/DZFIGL_C075 could not be activated
   Return code..............: 8
   Following tables must be converted
   DDIC Object TABL /BIC/DZFIGL_C075 has not been activated
   Error when activating InfoCube ZFIGL_C07
   Error/warning in dict. activator, detailed log    > Detail
   Structure change at field level (convert table /BIC/DZFIGL_C072)
   Structure change at field level (convert table /BIC/DZFIGL_C073)
   Structure change at field level (convert table /BIC/FZFIGL_C07)
   Table /BIC/DZFIGL_C072 could not be activated
   Table /BIC/DZFIGL_C073 could not be activated
   Table /BIC/FZFIGL_C07 could not be activated
   Return code..............: 8
   Following tables must be converted
   DDIC Object TABL /BIC/DZFIGL_C072 has not been activated
   Error when resetting InfoCube ZFIGL_C07 to the active version

Data exist in the DSO/IC.


1) Drop the data from the DSO as the structure was modified(removed few 
2) IC structure was also modified.
3) Re-import the transport.