I’m trying
to enhance the CO data source 1_CO_PA750W001 with WW620,ww621 and
ww622 fields from table CE1W001.
Append the
fields to the append structure, while trying to activate I’m getting the
below warnings and I was not
able to see the newly added fields in the extract structure.
Category for table Missing Warning
"Enhancement Category for table Missing"
"Enhancement Category for include or subtype Missing"
Solution :-
"Enhancement Category for table Missing"
"Enhancement Category for include or subtype Missing"
Solution :-
To overcome this error, in edit mode do the below settings:
Menu bar -> Extras -> Enhancement Category -> here select the type
of category which suits your need. In my case, i want to enhance the data source, i had selected the option“can
be enhanced(Deep)”.
For more info, about the above options:
Enhancement Category Selection
and tables that were defined by SAP in the ABAP Dictionary can be enhanced
subsequently by customers using Customizing includes or append structures. The
enhancements do not only refer to structures/ tables themselves, but also to
dependent structures that adopt the enhancement as an include or referenced
structure. Append structures that only take effect at the end of the original
structure can also cause shifts - in the case of dependent structures - even
within these structures.
You must select an enhancement category for the following reason: In programs where there is no active Unicode check, enhancements to tables and structures can cause syntax and runtime errors during type checks and particularly in combination with deep structures.
In programs where there is an active Unicode check, statements, operand checks, and accesses with an offset and length are problematic - for example, if numeric or deep components are inserted into a purely character-type structure and the structure thus loses its character- type nature.
Depending on the structure definition, the radio buttons allowed in the dialog box are ready for input. Choose one of the possible enhancement categories:
- Cannot be enhanced
The structure must not be
- Can be enhanced or character type
All structure components and
their enhancements must be character-type (C, N, D, or T). The original
structure and all enhancements through Customizing includes or through append
structures are subject to this limitation.
- Can be enhanced or character-type or numeric
The structure and its enhancement
must not contain any deep data types (tables, references, strings).
- Can be enhanced in any way
The structure and its enhancement
may contain components whose data type can be of any type.
- Not classified
This category can be chosen, for
example, for a transition status; however, it must not be chosen for creating
rules for defining the enhancement category result implicitly from the
structure setup and the classification of the types used. These rules are as
- If the object contains at least one numeric type or a substructure or component (field has a structure/table/view as its type) that can be enhanced numerically, the object can no longer be enhanced character-type, but is itself, at most, enhanceable character-type or numeric.
- If the object contains a deep component (string, reference, or table type), or it contains a substructure or component that is marked as enhanceable in any way, then the object itself is enhanceable in any way.
- If the object does not contain any substructure or component that is marked as enhanceable, you can select cannot be enhanced. If the structure has not yet been enhanced, you can choose the category cannot be enhanced in any case.
you are creating new tables and structures in the ABAP Dictionary, the system
proposes the category can be enhanced in any way as standard value for
the classification of the enhancement options. If the developer chooses a more
restrictive classification than can be enhanced in any way for a
particular structure, then only the classification levels that adhere to the
rules above are allowed. It is not possible to choose an enhancement option of
a structure that is more restrictive than the classification resulting
immplicitly from the structure setup and from the classification of the types
used. Therefore, only the allowed categories are proposed for selection in the
maintenance user interface.
If a structure depends on one or several other structures, the smallest category is chosen as implicit classification (in the order cannot be enhanced < can be enhanced and character-type < can be enhanced and character-type or numeric < can be enhanced in any way). This classification is greater than or less than the category in the other structures and also greater than or the same as the category that results from the actual setup in the original structure itself.
For more information, refer to the online documentation (push button "i").